Amigos de UnoAmerica


viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

Final Declaration II meeting of UnoAmérica


Delegations of the countries belonging to the Union of Democratic Organizations of America (UnoAmerica) held its Second meeting from the 19th. to the 21st. of November, 2010 in the Bolivarian Society of Bogotá. 

At the end of the discussions, the following statements were adopted: 

1. Each delegation presented an analysis of the state of affairs in their countries. Thus, they gave a report on the activities undertaken during the past year. The delegations concluded that UnoAmerica grows more stronger, acting as a shield of democracy, a sword of freedom and a beacon of hope for Latin America. 

2. UnoAmerica has grown sharply since its creation in December 2008.  It has also increased its activities, which have served the following: First, to unite the democratic sectors of our region. Second, to defend threatened democracies. Third, to fight for freedom of political prisoners. Fourth, to represent victims of terrorism. Fifth, to pursue legal actions in national and international courts. Sixth, to organize conferences in various countries. Seventh, to  participate as observers in electoral processes. Eighth, to  pursue institutional relationships in the U.S. and Europe. And, finally, to carry out important research, which has been used to make reports, books and e-books. 

3. During 2010, we observe a clear deterioration of the governments belonging to the ALBA organization. This is due to the failures of its ideological model and its administrative mismanagement. The ALBA member's speech is mainly rhetorical, speaking in favor of the poor, of social justice and anti-imperialism. But in reality, they have turned their people to misery. Furthermore, they have cut short freedom and they have subordinated their nations to Cuban imperialism. But since they want to stay in power at any cost, they have turned to violence. Now more than ever, they pose a threat to peace and stability in the [Latin American] region. 

4. Evo Morales' regime constantly violates democratic principles. The use of "special district attorneys against terrorism" and the adoption of the Law against Racism are tools to persecute the opposition and to limit freedom of the press. Additionally, Morales has launched a vicious and unwarranted attack on the Catholic Church. Nevertheless, José Miguel Insulza  describes Bolivia as an example of democracy. Again, Insulza does not behave as Secretary General of the OAS, but as a member of the Socialist Party of Chile, i.e. as a member of the Forum of Sao Paulo. 

5. Rafael Correa's regime is taking advantage of the recent police strike to openly lie; claiming that there was an attempted coup, to thus justify the radicalization of his project and the criminalization of dissent groups. 

6. Daniel Ortega's regime aims to bring together the internal forces of Nicaragua around his debilitated project, resorting to an invasion of Costa Rica. With this irresponsible action, Ortega prefers to turn Central America into flames before leaving office. 

7. Hugo Chavez's regime resorted to electoral fraud to control the Assembly, as seen in the last September 26th. election. The opposition won 52% of the total vote, but only got 1/3 of the seats, while the ruling party achieved 48% of the vote, but usurped 2/3 of the seats. Fraud is combined with the passage of totalitarian laws, brutal persecution of opponents, and a growing wave of confiscations. 

8. Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela have signed many agreements with the outlaw regime of Ahmadinejad. In this way, Islamic fundamentalism is being imported in our region which, together with the presence of drug trafficking and terrorist groups like the FARC, is a dangerous cocktail that threatens the security of the Western Hemisphere. Within this context, the announcement of Bolivia and Venezuela to acquire nuclear technology implies a serious threat that must be addressed with due seriousness. 

9. UnoAmerica warns against the resurgence of terrorist groups that had already been defeated in Peru, that is: Sendero Luminoso and the MRTA, which although they do not have popular support, they  receive support from the Sao Paulo Forum, specifically from the regimes of Bolivia and Venezuela . 

10. UnoAmerica approves the success of the Colombian military forces against narco-terrorist groups. However, it is seriously concerned with the judiciary branch - infiltrated by the radical left who is harshly striking the military heroes that defeated subversion. Their main objective is to discredit and demoralize the troops. An emblematic case, among others, is that of Col. Luis Alfonso Plazas Vega, who in 1985, rescued the Palace of Justice taken over by the M-19 narco-terrorist group and is now behind bars. The purge of the judiciary must be state priority. Justice hasn't been served in these courts for those soldiers who die in the Colombian jungles. 

11. The Forum of Sao Paulo has developed a sophisticated system of legal persecution against its opponents. It uses tactics of the so called "enemy criminal law." These tactics include: 1) the recruitment of corrupt judges and district attorneys; 2) the use of false witnesses; 3) the fabrication of evidence; 4) the manipulation and reinterpretation of the law, according to the socialist model; 5) the takeover of national and international Human Rights and multilateral agencies - such as the OAS, and UNASUR. Therefore, this form of persecution is used as an intent to criminalize the administration of former President Alvaro Uribe. 

12. In Argentina and Uruguay, there is a dangerous backfire to violent times that had already been defeated in the past. Now that the Montoneros and Tupamaros  are in power, they are taking advantage of their governmental positions to carry out revenge against the military that defeated them in the past. They do this by eliminating amnesty laws, and applying its annulment retroactively, but only against the military. While the former terrorists fully the enjoy these pardons. The most recent victim of this scheme is the Uruguayan General Dalmau, Commander of the Fourth Army Division. 

13. UnoAmerica congratulates the brave people of Honduras for the way they have defended their democracy against the onslaught of the ALBA organization and the Forum of Sao Paulo. UnoAmérica urges the OAS to stop putting obstacles to reinstate this nation to its organization. 

14. All members of UnoAmerica, most firmly and categorically condemn the unjust imprisonment of its president, Alejandro Peña Esclusa,  who at present is kidnapped in the prisons of the Venezuelan political police. He is the victim of a set-up orchestrated by the regime of Hugo Chavez with the support of  Cuba.
But paradoxically, this vile fabrication has allowed our platform to consolidate and develop even more. It has also reinforced the union and solidarity of more than two hundred NGOs belonging to our organization, from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Peru, Venezuela and Uruguay, as well as Hispanic NGOs in the United States and Spain. 
UnoAmerica is committed to not only fight for the release of Alejandro, but of all the Venezuelan political prisoners,who are unjustly imprisoned by the Chavez's dictatorship.
UnoAmerica wants to thank all the individuals and institutions that have raised their voices to demand the release of Alejandro and urges all men and women of good will to fight for his freedom. 
15. It's not by chance that we have chosen to host this second meeting at the  Bolivarian Society of Bogotá, as it is not a coincidence that we met last year at the Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino in Santa Marta. One of UnoAmerica's goals is to rescue the historic memory and legacy of Simon Bolivar, who is now being held hostage by those who falsely call themselves "Bolivarian", but in fact are agents of Castro-Communism. 

16. Fullfiling the responsibility to redeem the standing of our patriots Bolívar and San Martín, UnoAmerica awards the ORDER TO DEMOCRACY to Dr. Faisal Buitrago Mustafa,  who acts as custodian of the ideas of those who two hundred years ago wielded their swords to achieve freedom in America. 

17. Finally, we would like to transmit a message of optimism and hope to the people of Latin America. The decline of the ALBA organization and the awakening of new democratic factors in the region, gives an opportunity to build a better future, based not on ideological or theoretical models, but realistic action programs. 
Our goal is to solve specific problems that affect our people, that is: food, jobs, housing, safety, health, education and public services.

We reaffirm our commitment to serve as a platform for the interrelationship of our people in defense of  freedom, human rights, justice, and democracy, in our beloved "Continent of Hope." 

We don't have swords, but we have pens. We don't have a large media, but we have willpower. Above all, we have something that infuses fear in tyrants and their henchmen, the courage to speak the truth. 
Bolivarian Society. 
Bogota, Colombia. November 21st. 2010

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